
Friday, June 17, 2016

In Pursuit of the Arts: The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Concert

Many of you know my main "gig" in life is teaching piano.  I started teaching piano lessons when I was in high school and recently reached the age where I have taught lessons longer than I have not.  I love teaching and am passionate about helping my students develop a love for music.  I believe that music enriches lives so it's no surprise that I'm a supporter of different avenues of introducing communities to classical music.

I have the privilege of sharing a city with the Grammy winning Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.  While I am not able to attend concerts as often as I would like, I do try to make it to a concert at least once a season.  Last week, I received a text from a student's parent informing me that they would not be able to use their tickets for ASO, which was featuring André Watts in an "All Brahms" program that night.  Thrilled to have the chance for an impromptu outing, I called texted a friend, and we headed downtown!

Upon arrival at the Woodruff Arts Center, we learned that Mr. Watts was unwell and would not be performing that night.  I was disappointed as I was [obviously] looking forward to hearing the Brahms' Piano Concerto No. 2.  However, when the Usher told me what the Orchestra would be performing instead, I was ecstatic!  

While many claim Beethoven's 5th and especially 10th Symphonies as their favorites, his 7th has always been my favorite.  You may remember the second movement from the 2011 Oscar winning movie, The King's Speech.  If you need a refresher, check out this video:

It was every bit as glorious as I had hoped it would be and it was not until after the concert that I learned that due to Mr. Watts' unfortunate cancellation (at 4:00 that afternoon), the Orchestra had not had a chance to rehearse the Beethoven.  Apparently by their Sunday concert of the same program, it was phenomenal.

I know I take for granted having such an amazing Orchestra so readily available to attend.  An Orchestra that can pull a Beethoven symphony out of their back pocket and execute it in such a way as to pull at the heartstrings of every audience member.  Quite amazing.

I am certain many of my readers live in a city that has an orchestra that gives regular concerts.  Even smaller suburbs generally have community orchestras that give regular concerts.  I encourage you to support these musicians by attending their concerts!  If a formal, strictly classical concert does not appeal to you, look for orchestras that do "Pop" concerts, such as ASO's "Delta Pops!" Music Rocks!


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