I purchased an assorted 3 pack of small, medium, and large wraps as well as a sandwich wrap. These reusable wraps are made of beeswax, organic cotton, jojoba oil, and tree resin. You can use them to actually wrap up food items or use them as a cover for a dish. The heat from your hands causes the wax (and resin, I would assume) to create a seal. Once soiled, you simply wash them in cool water with dish soap, hang to dry, and reuse.
The first use of the medium-sized wrap was to cover a dish of chicken salad. It is not recommended that you use these wraps for meat, but since the chicken was cooked and the wrap would not be touching the salad, I decided to live life on the wild side. At first, it seemed like the wax did not want to seal. The dish was a bit cool as it came from the fridge. After a little coaxing, the wrap did create a seal that lasted until I removed it. The chicken salad was still fresh, so that's a win!
Washing the wrap was a bit odd... I used my hands to run cool water over it and it left a bit of slightly sticky residue on my hands. I laid it out to dry flat on the counter, smoothing it out as much as possible. It did not smooth out completely to its original freshly packaged self. This did not bother me much, but I imagine for some it might.
The second time I used the same wrap, I used to wrap a half cut orange. I wanted to completely wrap an item so that the Bee's Wrap was completely touching the item. In my mind, I thought the beeswax might make it taste a little honey flavored (which might taste yummy on an orange, but maybe not on say, a squash). I left the orange in the fridge overnight (and then some) and the next day it was completely fresh and citrus tasting, sans honey. This time I washed the wrap with cool water and dish soap and set it out to dry. I was curious as to if the Bee's Wrap would now smell of oranges. Surprisingly, it did not. I will say that it seems as though were was a bit of orange left over on the wrap from the orange skin. I'm not sure if this will go away the more it is washed, but either way it did not bother me.
So, finally came the real test... a test, I admit, I was a bit afraid to try. What if they weren't durable enough? Would my medium sized wrap be ruined?? And then I realized, if I were reading a review on these wraps, I would definitely want to know... CAN THEY STAND UP TO ONIONS?!? (dun dun DUN!). I mean, I would be perfectly content to only use the wraps on foods that do not have potent odors, but for the sake of a thorough review, I subjected my sweet, honey-smelling wrap to a half-cut purple onion.
The result was a slight purple stain on my medium sized wrap and an initial faint odor. However, after washing the wrap and drying it, the odor did, in fact, go away! These things are quite handy and I love how they can be reused. The company recommended replacing them after about a year's of use. I really like the idea of having a few on hand to supplement my disposable bag and wrap habit and having a few fewer pieces of plastic to throw away at the end of the day is an added bonus!
FTC: This is not a sponsored link. All opinions are my own. Links may be affiliate.
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