
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

In Pursuit of Gratitude

I'm still enjoying binge-listening a Linger Moments' feature, Young House Love Has a Podcast. Guys, seriously- if you haven't listened yet, stop reading (it's ok, I'll wait) and go add the podcast to your feed.  Each episode they have a "what we're digging" segment during which they each share something they're currently... well, digging.  In episode 11, Sherry shares that she's digging a gratitude journal.  While writing down things I am thankful for is not a new concept, it got me thinking and I decided to start a project with Fiona.

We decided that each night as she's going to bed, she'll list out her favorite things that happened that day or something that she's thankful for.  Not an earth-shattering ritual (she doesn't even have a notebook to record them), I just want her to get into the habit of reflecting on the good in her days and nudge the cultivation of a spirit of gratefulness.

Our newfound ritual got me thinking about a book I recently completed, Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project.  One of the exercises Gretchen describes in the book is keeping a gratitude journal.  She claims that gratitude is important to happiness and that studies show that grateful people are happier and more satisfied with their lives.  Additionally she states that gratitude brings freedom from envy since when you're focused on what you're grateful for, you don't think as much about what you don't have.  I thought this was a great exercise for Fiona to start as a Kindergarten student.

Different ways we've practiced being Grateful and Thankful around our household include a "Thankful Board" we made one Thanksgiving (and is displayed at my parents' farm).  I also seem drawn to journals and planners that prompt daily and weekly reflections on all of our blessings.  During Lent 2016, Maybooks offered a notebook journal with 40 days of Prayer and Gratitude.  My current Emily Ley Simplified Planner also has space each Sunday to record a "happy memory from this week."
As I go throughout my weeks, I find myself experiencing moments and thinking, "this will be great to write in my planner as my happy memory of this week!"  One of these moments this past weekend was taking our children to the park.  We had a great time with each other and for that I am very thankful.


  1. This is awesome!!! I'm going to do this with Levi tonight at bedtime!

  2. How blessed Fiona and Eliot are to have such amazing parents to teach and guide them through their life's journey. xoxo

  3. How blessed Fiona and Eliot are to have such amazing parents to teach and guide them through their life's journey. xoxo
