1. Read and work through
by Gretchen Rubin
This is the third book of Gretchin's that I've started to read. I really loved the first two (The Happiness Project and Happier at Home) and with my constant interest in pursuing the best version of myself, I am very intrigued by this topic.
2. Complete The Daily Connoisseur's "10-Item Wardrobe Online Class"
If you've been around my blog at all, you know one of the writers and bloggers I love to follow is Jennifer L. Scott. She recently released an online tutorial filled with videos and worksheets dealing with the topic of cultivating a 10-item wardrobe. While I have used this practice for almost four years, I thought it would be fun to complete this class as we prepare to transition from the hot Georgia summer to the slightly-less-hot Georgia fall.
3. Write for 5 Minutes Everyday
In the past, I've made many commitments (and re-commitments) to write more. Since I am attempting to once again develop a lasting habit, I want to put Ms. Rubin's suggestion into place by starting with small steps. Writing for an hour every day can seem daunting, but I'm sure I can find 5 minutes every day in which to sit down and write.
4. Move 4 Times Each Week/ Complete 2 5K's
As much as I loved having my children home this summer, it proved difficult to always get runs in due to lack of a jogging stroller (and in all honesty, lack of wanting to run in Georgia's insane humidity). Since both of the children are now back in school, I want to commit to running at least 2 times a week and would love to get to the gym for some yoga at least twice a week. Additionally, I'm signed up for 2 5K's and want to continue to improve my time with those. As I am writing this post, I just completed the first 5K the previous weekend. While it was not my best time ever, it was good enough to earn me 1st place in my age group- something I was super stoked about.
5. Spend Half as Much Time on My Phone
It is so easy. You go to check one thing and fall down a rabbit hole of "just checking one more thing!" Next thing you know it, 8 minutes have passed... which of course doesn't seem like a lot of time. Until you do that a few times an hour. Those minutes definitely add up. They add up to way more than I thought was possible. I discovered this after downloading a tracking app called "Moment." It tracks your total time usage, when your usage occurred, and even how many times you unlocked your screen. Additionally, once a week it calculates the apps you're actually spending time perusing. It's eye-opening to see the minutes add up, and hopefully, with this app I'll be able to better curb my phone dependence.
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